大部分像是 Obfs4 之類的可插拔式傳輸工具,都仰賴「橋接中繼站」來運行。
橋接中繼站跟普通的 Tor 中繼節點一樣,都是由志願者所架設與維護的,但差別在於這些中繼站並未被公開列於清單中,因此網路封鎖者比較不容易發現他們的存在。
雖然說橋接中繼站搭配可插拔式傳輸工具可以隱藏您的 Tor 網路連線活動,但是跟直接連上普通 Tor 中繼節點相較之下,連線速度會明顯慢上許多。
其他像是 meek, SnowFlake 等可插拔式傳輸工具,在突破網路審查過濾的技術則較不同,無需仰賴橋接中繼站,因此不必事先取得橋接中繼站的位址來使用這些傳輸工具。
Request bridges from within Tor Browser
如果是首次啟動 Tor 瀏覽器,請點選 "連線設定"以開啟 Tor 設定視窗。
In the "Bridges" section, locate the option to "Find more bridges" and click on "Request bridges" for Tor Project to provide a bridge.
在通過 Captcha 驗證後點擊「送出」。
或者如 Tor 瀏覽器正在執行,點擊漢堡選單(≡) 中的'設定'底下側欄的'連線'。
In the "Bridges" section, locate the option to "Find more bridges" and click on "Request bridges" for Tor Project to provide a bridge.
在通過 Captcha 驗證後點擊「送出」。

Obtain bridges from the Bridges website
Visit our bridges website.
Click on 'Just give me bridges!' and copy the bridge lines.
Or use advanced options to select the type of pluggable transport and only get bridges with a IPv6 address.
Obtain bridges via Email
Email bridges@torproject.org from a Gmail or Riseup email address and copy the bridge addresses received in the email.
Obtain bridges via Telegram
Send a message to @GetBridgesBot on Telegram.
Tap on 'Start' or write /start
or /bridges
in the chat.
Copy the bridge addresses.
Tor Browser Desktop
如果是首次啟動 Tor 瀏覽器,請點選 "連線設定"以開啟 Tor 設定視窗。
In the "Bridges" section, from the option "Enter bridge addresses you already know" click on "Add new bridges" and enter each bridge address on a separate line.
或者如 Tor 瀏覽器正在執行,點擊漢堡選單(≡) 中的'設定'底下側欄的'連線'。
In the "Bridges" section, from the option "Enter bridge addresses you already know" click on "Add new bridges" and enter each bridge address on a separate line.

Tor Browser for Android
Tap on 'Settings' (⚙️) and then scroll to the 'Connection' section of the settings.
Tap on 'Config Bridge'.
Toggle on 'Use a Bridge' and select 'Provide a Bridge I know'.
Enter the bridge address.
橋接-表情符是 人類可讀懂的橋接中繼識別符號 而它們 並不代表 Tor 網路的連線品質或橋接器的狀態。
表情符字串 無法用來輸入,用戶必須提供完整的橋接地址方能連接上橋接中繼。
