Dugg bu gaaw ci jokkoowu Tor bi, yenn saa yi ki lay jox serwiisu Internet wala ab gornamaa mën nañu ko taxawal.
Tor Browser ëmb na ay jumtukaayi teggi ngir moytu fatt-fatt yooyu. Jumtukaay yooyu ñu ngi tudd "pluggable transports".
Ci jamono jii am na ñeenti pluggable transports yu jàppandi, waaye nu ngi yaatal yeneen yu bari.
obfs4 dafay wóoradil xuusu Tor, te dafay tax itam jumtukaay yiy ubbi ay pexe duñu gis bridges yi sooy segg ci Internet. obfs4 bridges ñoo gën a tuuti liñuy taxawal ak jumtukaay yi leen jiitu, obfs3 bridges.
meek transports dafa koy melal ni yaa ngi xuus ci ab dalu web bu mag ci palaasu jëfandikoo Tor. meek-azure dafa koy melal ni yaa ngi jëfandikoo ab dalukaayu web bu Microsoft.
Snowflake dafay wone ay yoon ci sa lëkkale ak volunteer-operated proxies ngir mu mel ni yaa ngi woote wideo ci palaasu jëfandikoo Tor.
WebTunnel dafay nëbb sa lëkkalook Tor, feeñal ko ni yaa ngi ci biir ab dalu web jaare ko ci HTTPS.
Ngir jëfandikoo ab pluggable transport, kilikeel ci "Configure Connection" sooy tàmbali Tor Browser sa yoon wu njëkk.
Ci suufu pàccu "Bridges" yi, xoolal tànneef "Choose from one of Tor Browser's built-in bridges" te kilike ci tànneef "Select a Built-In Bridge".
Ci àlluwa bi, tànnal benn ci pluggable transport bi nga bëgg a jëfandikoo.
Soo xësee ba tànn pluggable transport bi, kilikeL ci "Connect" ngir deñc say sukkandikukaay.
Wala, soo yoree Tor Browser buy dox, kilikeel ci "Settings" ci àlluwa hamburger (≡) ba noppi ak ci "Connection" ci wàllu wet gi.
Ci suufu pàccu "Bridges" yi, xoolal tànneef "Choose from one of Tor Browser's built-in bridges" te kilike ci tànneef "Select a Built-In Bridge".
Tànnal benn ci pluggable transport bi nga bëgg a jëfandikoo ci àlluwa bi te nga kilike ci "OK".
Say sukkandikukaay dina nu leen deñc automatically soo sëxee ba tëj xët bi.

Bépp transport bunu lim ci àlluwa Tor Bridge am na ab doxalin bu wuute, te seeni njariñ mu ngi wéeru ci say anami bopp.
Sooy jéem a moytu ab lëkkaloo bu taxaw ci yoon wu njëkk, danga war a jéem ci transports yu wuute yi: obfs4, snowflake, wala meek-azure.
Soo jéemee tànneef yépp, te benn ci ñoom mayula nga lëkkaloo, dafay soxla nga laaj ab bridge wala nga dugg ak say yoxo ci dëkkuwaayi bridge yi.
Jëfandikukat ya ca China dinañu soxla lëkkalook ab obfs4 bridge bu beru te limunu ko.
Jokkool ak sunu Telegram Bot @GetBridgesBot te nga bind /bridges
Wala nga yonnee ab bataaxalu internet ci frontdesk@torproject.org te mu ànd ak baat yi "private bridge cn" ci tombu bataaxalu internet bi.
Sooy lëkkaloo ci meneen réew, ci bule nexee bul fàtte duggal sa réew wala sa kotu réew ci tombu bataaxalu internet bi.
Jàngal pàccu Bridges yi ngir xam lan mooy bridges ak naka nga leen di jotee.