Removing Tor Browser from your system is simple:
On Windows:
- Locate your Tor Browser folder or application. The default location is the Desktop.
- Delete the Tor Browser folder or application.
- Empty your Trash.
On macOS:
- Locate your Tor Browser application. The default location is the Applications folder.
- Move the Tor Browser application to Trash.
- Go to your
~/Library/Application Support/
- Note the Library folder is hidden on newer versions of macOS. To navigate to this folder in Finder, select "Go to Folder..." in the "Go" menu.

- Then type
~/Library/Application Support/
in the window and click Go.

- Locate the TorBrowser-Data folder and move it to Trash.
- Empty your Trash.
Note that if you did not install Tor Browser in the default location (the Applications folder), then the TorBrowser-Data folder is not located in the ~/Library/Application Support/
folder, but in the same folder where you installed Tor Browser.
On Linux:
- Locate your Tor Browser folder. On Linux, there is no default location, however the folder will be named "tor-browser".
- Launch a terminal window in the Tor Browser folder and run this command to unregister Tor Browser as a desktop application:
./start-tor-browser.desktop --unregister-app
- Delete the Tor Browser folder.
- Empty your Trash.
Note that your operating system's standard "Uninstall" utility is not used.