If personal information such as a login password travels unencrypted over the Internet, it can very easily be intercepted by an eavesdropper. If you are logging into any website, you should make sure that the site offers HTTPS encryption, which protects against this kind of eavesdropping. You can verify this in the URL bar: if your connection is encrypted, the address will begin with "https://", rather than "http://".

Tor 瀏覽器純 HTTPS 模式

純 HTTPS 模式會強制使用安全加密的連接方式來訪問全部的網站。 大部份網站多已支援 HTTPS,部份網站則同時使用 HTTP 與 HTTPS。 開啟此模式以確保全部網站連線都昇級為使用安全的 HTTPS。

Tor 瀏覽器中的純 HTTPS 模式

Some websites only support HTTP and the connection cannot be upgraded. If a HTTPS version of a site is not available, you will see a "Secure Connection Not Available" page:

HTTP 網站無安全連接可用

如果按下'繼續前往 HTTP網站'則自承風險來訪問不安全的 HTTP 網站,純 HTTPS 模式會暫時關閉以便訪問該網站。


Cryptocurrency safety

Tor Browser presents a security prompt if a cryptocurrency address has been copied from an insecure HTTP website. The cryptocurrency address could have been modified and should not be trusted. Clicking 'Reload Tab with a New Circuit' will attempt to load a secure version of the website with a new Tor circuit.

Cryptocurrency safety

If you click 'Dismiss' you accept the risk and the cryptocurrency address will be copied to the clipboard.

How HTTPS encryption and Tor works in Tor Browser to enhance your privacy and anonymity

下面是以視覺化方式來呈現有無使用 Tor 瀏覽器與 HTTPS 加密進行網路連線時,哪些資訊是網路監聽者可以看到的:

  • 點擊「Tor」按鈕可以查看當您未使用 Tor 時,有哪些資料可以讓網路監聽者直接攔截取得,當此按鈕呈現綠色狀態時,表示 Tor 已經啟動。
  • 您可以點擊「HTTPS」功能按鈕來查看當 HTTPS 啟用時,有哪些資料仍然可能被網路監聽者攔截竊取,而當此按鈕呈現綠色狀態時,表示 HTTPS 功能已經啟動。
  • 當兩個按鈕都是綠色狀態時,您則可以看見在這兩個功能都同時啟動的狀態下,網路監聽者依然能夠竊取到的資料有哪些。
  • 而當這兩個按鈕都呈現灰色時,您則可以查看當這兩個功能都在關閉的狀態下時,網路監聽者能夠攔截竊取到的資料有哪些。

user / pw
不論是否有使用 Tor。